Results for 'R. M. Hazen'

921 found
  1. Needs and opportunities in mineral evolution research.R. M. Hazen, A. Bekker, D. L. Bish, W. Bleeker, R. T. Downs, J. Farquhar, J. M. Ferry, E. S. Grew, A. H. Knoll, D. Papineau, J. P. Ralph & J. W. da SverjenskyValley - unknown
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  2. Contrary-to-Duty Imperatives and Deontic Logic.R. M. Chisholm - 1963 - Analysis 24 (2):33-36.
  3. Concepts without boundaries.R. M. Sainsbury - 1996 - In Rosanna Keefe & Peter Smith, Vagueness: A Reader. MIT Press. pp. 186-205.
  4. Health.R. M. Hare - 1986 - Journal of Medical Ethics 12 (4):174-181.
    Many practical issues in medical ethics depend on an understanding of the concept of health. The main question is whether it is a purely descriptive or a partly evaluative or normative concept. After posing some puzzles about the concept, the views of C Boorse, who thinks it is descriptive, are discussed and difficulties are found for them. An evaluative treatment is then suggested, and used to shed light on some problems about mental illness and to compare and contrast it with (...)
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  5.  69
    Sense and contradiction: a study in Aristotle.R. M. Dancy - 1975 - Boston: D. Reidel Pub. Co..
    ARISTOTLE'S PROGRAM Aristotle says outright that the law of non-contradiction cannot be demonstrated: you can't prove everything, and among the things you ...
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  6. Geach: Good and Evil.R. M. Hare - 1956 - Analysis 17 (5):103 - 111.
  7.  13
    Whitehead's categoreal scheme and other papers.R. M. Martin - 1974 - The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff.
    The philosophical papers comprising this volume range from process metaphysics and theology, through the phenomenological study of intentionality, to the foundations of geometry and of the system of real numbers. New light, it is thought, is shed on all these topics, some of them being of the highest interest and under intensive investigation in contemporary philosophical discussion. Metaphysi cians, process theologians, semanticists, theorists of knowledge, phenomenologists, and philosophers of mathematics will thus find in this book, it is hoped, helpful materials (...)
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  8. Thales, Anaximander, and Infinity.R. M. Dancy - 1989 - Apeiron 22 (3):149 - 190.
  9.  79
    The teaching of medical ethics in the United States of America.R. M. Veatch & D. Fenner - 1975 - Journal of Medical Ethics 1 (2):99-103.
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  10.  73
    The Date of the Hesiodic Shield.R. M. Cook - 1937 - Classical Quarterly 31 (3-4):204-.
    In attempting to date the Shield several complementary methods are possible. Roughly these may be classed as literary, historical and archaeological. The literary method indicates that the Shield comes late in the Hesiodic corpus: in particular the use of the F is careful. The historical method suggests a preciser upper limit. Wilamowitz believed that the point of lines 393–401, which give the season in which the combat between Herakles and Kyknos took place, can only be that a commemorative festival was (...)
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  11. On a Fregean Argument for the Distinctness of Sense and Reference.R. M. Sainsbury - 1983 - Analysis 43 (1):12 - 14.
  12.  77
    Greek Rhapsodes in Etruria? - Roland Hampe, Erika Simon: Griechische Sagen in der frühen Etruskischen Kunst. Pp. xii + 71; 30 plates, 12 figs. Mainz: von Zabern, 1964. Cloth, DM. 48.R. M. Cook - 1965 - The Classical Review 15 (01):97-.
  13.  34
    Ludwig Pallat: Richard Schöne. Pp. xii+418; 31 plates. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1959. Cloth, DM. 32.R. M. Cook - 1961 - The Classical Review 11 (01):91-.
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  14.  57
    ‘Make Your Own Greek Vase’ - Joseph Veach Noble: The Techniques of Painted Attic Pottery. Pp. xvi+121; 96 plates. London: Faber, 1966. Cloth, £6. 6s. net.R. M. Cook - 1966 - The Classical Review 16 (03):397-.
  15.  37
    The Last of the Battleships.R. M. Cook - 1963 - The Classical Review 13 (01):105-.
  16.  99
    Arguments for zero tolerance of sexual contact between doctors and patients.R. M. Cullen - 1999 - Journal of Medical Ethics 25 (6):482-486.
    Some doctors do enter into sexual relationships with patients. These relationships can be damaging to the patient involved. One response available to both individual doctors and to disciplinary bodies is to prohibit sexual contact between doctors and patients ("zero tolerance"). This paper considers five ways of arguing for a zero tolerance policy. The first rests on an empirical claim that such contact is almost always harmful to the patient involved. The second is based on a "principles" approach while the third (...)
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  17. Philosophers on music: Experience, meaning, and work * edited by Kathleen stock.R. M. Dancy - 2012 - Analysis 72 (1):207-210.
  18.  20
    On the Peirce Representation-Relation.R. M. Martin - 1969 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 5 (3):143 - 157.
  19.  21
    Livius Resartus.R. M. Ogilvie - 1959 - Classical Quarterly 9 (3-4):269-.
    In an earlier article a reconstruction was proposed of the stemma of the primary manuscripts of Livy. If such a stemma has been correctly drawn up, it must work, that is, it must enable an editor to arrive by routine methods at the reading of the archetype. The archetype itself need not have good readings—it may have bad ones, emended by later manuscripts—but, good or bad, it gives the tradition from which all correction must start. If these readings make grammatical, (...)
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  20.  57
    La Villa Romana. (Società di Studi Romagnoli.) Pp. 162. Faenza: Fratelli Lega, 1971. Paper.R. M. Ogilvie - 1973 - The Classical Review 23 (02):290-291.
  21.  88
    Pride of India : a glimpse into India's scientific heritage.R. M. Pujari, Pradeep Kolhe & N. R. Kumar (eds.) - 2006 - New Delhi: Samskrita Bharati.
  22.  53
    P. Maas: Textkritik. 3. Verbesserte und vermehrte Auflage. Pp. 34. Leipzig: Teubner, 1957. Paper, DM. 2.30.R. M. Rattenbury - 1958 - The Classical Review 8 (3-4):291-.
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  23. Review: Rawls' Theory of Justice--II. [REVIEW]R. M. Hare - 1973 - Philosophical Quarterly 23 (92):241 - 252.
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  24. Review: Vagueness, Ignorance, and Margin for Error. [REVIEW]R. M. Sainsbury - 1995 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 46 (4):589 - 601.
  25.  96
    Review: On A History of Women Philosophers, Vol. I. [REVIEW]R. M. Dancy - 1989 - Hypatia 4 (1):160 - 171.
    This book sets high standards for itself. Regrettably it fails to meet them: apart from a few displays of thorough and competent research, it is generally based on substandard scholarship.
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  26.  60
    Cornelius C. Vermeule: The Dal Pozzo-Albani Drawings of Classical Antiquities in the British Museum. (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, N.S. vol. 50, part 5.) Pp. 78; 103 figs. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1960. Paper, $2.00. [REVIEW]R. M. Cook - 1961 - The Classical Review 11 (03):313-.
  27.  59
    Einar Gjerstad: Early Rome. I: Stratigraphical Researches in the Forum Romanum and along the Sacra Via. (Skrifter Utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Rom, 4°, xvii. 1.) Pp. 163; 147 figs. Lund: Gleerup, 1953. Paper, Kr. 60. [REVIEW]R. M. Cook - 1955 - The Classical Review 5 (02):223-.
  28.  44
    Emil Kunze: V. Bericht über die Ausgrabungen in Olympia. Pp. 176; 82 plates, 74 figs. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1956. Paper, DM. 44. [REVIEW]R. M. Cook - 1958 - The Classical Review 8 (01):90-.
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  29.  55
    Emil Kunze: VI. Bericht über die Ausgrabungen in Olympia. Pp. 225; 83 plates, 138 figs. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1958. Paper, DM. 48. [REVIEW]R. M. Cook - 1959 - The Classical Review 9 (03):301-302.
  30.  39
    Ernst Langlotz : Perseus. (Sitz. der Heidelberger Akad. der Wiss., phil.-hist. Klasse, 1951, 1.) Pp. 35; 6 plates. Heidelberg: Winter, 1951. Paper, DM. 5.70. [REVIEW]R. M. Cook - 1954 - The Classical Review 4 (01):59-60.
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  31.  52
    François Villard: Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum; France, Musée du Louvre, fascicule 13. Pp. i + 31; 48 plates, 4 figs. Paris: Champion, 1965. Boards. [REVIEW]R. M. Cook - 1966 - The Classical Review 16 (02):245-.
  32.  89
    Hellenistic Sculpture - Margarete Bieber: The Sculpture of the Hellenistic Age. Pp. xi+232; 712 figs. New York: Columbia University Press (London: Oxford University Press), 1955. Cloth, 140 s. net. [REVIEW]R. M. Cook - 1956 - The Classical Review 6 (3-4):275-277.
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  33.  57
    John Boardman and Maurice Pope: Greek Vases in Cape Town. Pp. 20; 16 plates, 1 fig. Cape Town: S. A. Museum, 1961. Paper, 7 s. 6 d. net (obtainable from J. Thornton & Son, Oxford). [REVIEW]R. M. Cook - 1962 - The Classical Review 12 (03):319-.
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  34.  37
    Karl Lehmann: Samothrace, a Guide to the Excavations and the Museum. Second revised edition. Pp. 106; 55 figs, and 1 general plan. New York: J. J. Augustin, 1960. Stiff paper, $1.50. [REVIEW]R. M. Cook - 1961 - The Classical Review 11 (03):308-.
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  35.  68
    Martin Hürlimann: Athens. With introductory text by Rex Warner. Pp. 118; 74 figs, in photogravure, 5 coloured plates. London: Thames & Hudson, 1956. Cloth, 25 s. net. - Rex Warner and Martin Hürlimann: Eternal Greece. Pp. 168; 92 figs, in photogravure, 1 coloured plate. London: Thames & Hudson, 1953. Cloth, 42 s. net. [REVIEW]R. M. Cook - 1957 - The Classical Review 7 (3-4):273-.
  36.  63
    Saul S. Weinberg: Corinth. Vol. i, part v: The Southeast Building, The Twin Basilicas, the Mosaic House. Pp. xviii+128; 29 figs., 57 plates, 10 plans. Princeton, N.J.: American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1960. Cloth, $12.50. [REVIEW]R. M. Cook - 1962 - The Classical Review 12 (01):101-.
  37.  78
    Études d'Archéologie Classique, I. (Annales de l'Est, publ. par la Fac. des Lettres de l'Univ. de Nancy, Mémoire no. 19.) Pp. 166; 29 plates. Paris: de Boccard, 1958. Paper. [REVIEW]R. M. Cook - 1959 - The Classical Review 9 (03):302-.
  38.  35
    Raymond Bloch: Tite-Live et les premiers siècles de Rome. Pp. 121; 8 photographs, 12 line drawings. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1965. Cloth, 9 fr. [REVIEW]R. M. Ogilvie - 1966 - The Classical Review 16 (02):244-.
  39.  49
    The Ager Veientanus A. Kahane, L. Murray Threipland, J. Ward-Perkins: The Ager Veientanus, North and East of Rome. (Papers of the British School at Rome, xxxvi.) Pp. 218; 39 figs., 32 plates. London: British School at Rome, 1968. Cloth, £3·50. [REVIEW]R. M. Ogilvie - 1971 - The Classical Review 21 (03):438-439.
  40.  57
    The Egnatian Way Firmin O'Sullivan: The Egnatian Way. (Great Highways Series.) Pp. 264; 9 plates, 6 figs. Newton Abbott: David & Charles, 1972. cloth, £3·75. [REVIEW]R. M. Ogilvie - 1975 - The Classical Review 25 (01):113-114.
  41.  51
    The Sabine Legend - J. Poucet: Recherches sur la légende sabine des origines de Rome. (Université de Louvain, Recueil de Travaux d'Histoire et de Philologie, 4 e sér., fasc. 37.) Pp. xxxii+476. Louvain: Náuwelaerts, 1967. Paper, [REVIEW]R. M. Ogilvie - 1968 - The Classical Review 18 (03):327-329.
  42.  66
    A New Edition of Achilles Tatius - Ebbe Vilborg, Achilles Tatius, Leucippe and Clitophon. (Studia Graeca et Latina Gothoburgensia, i.) Pp. xci+191. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1955. Paper, Kr. 25. [REVIEW]R. M. Rattenbury - 1956 - The Classical Review 6 (3-4):229-233.
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  43. I—R. M. Sainsbury and Michael Tye: An Originalist Theory of Concepts.R. M. Sainsbury & Michael Tye - 2011 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 85 (1):101-124.
    We argue that thoughts are structures of concepts, and that concepts should be individuated by their origins, rather than in terms of their semantic or epistemic properties. Many features of cognition turn on the vehicles of content, thoughts, rather than on the nature of the contents they express. Originalism makes concepts available to explain, with no threat of circularity, puzzling cases concerning thought. In this paper, we mention Hesperus/Phosphorus puzzles, the Evans-Perry example of the ship seen through different windows, and (...)
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  44. IR.M. Sainsbury.R. M. Sainsbury - 1999 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 73 (1):243-269.
    [R. M. Sainsbury] Evans argued that most ordinary proper names were Russellian: to suppose that they have no bearer is to suppose that they have no meaning. The first part of this paper addresses Evans's arguments, and finds them wanting. Evans also claimed that the logical form of some negative existential sentences involves 'really' (e.g. 'Hamlet didn't really exist'). One might be tempted by the view, even if one did not accept its Russellian motivation. However, I suggest that Evans gives (...)
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  45.  24
    Avant-propos.M. R. - 1992 - Études Phénoménologiques 8 (15):3-4.
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  46. A Philosophical Autobiography: R. M. Hare.R. M. Hare - 2002 - Utilitas 14 (3):269-305.
    I had a strange dream, or half-waking vision, not long ago. I found myself at the top of a mountain in the mist, feeling very pleased with myself, not just for having climbed the mountain, but for having achieved my life's ambition, to find a way of answering moral questions rationally. But as I was preening myself on this achievement, the mist began to clear, and I saw that I was surrounded on the mountain top by the graves of all (...)
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  47.  16
    A másik igazsága: ünnepi kötet Fehér M. István tiszteletére.M. István Fehér, Zsuzsanna Mariann Lengyel, Anna Jani & Csaba Olay (eds.) - 2012 - Budapest: L'Harmattan Kiadó.
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  48.  17
    Hermeneutika és demokrácia: tanulmányok Fehér M. István tiszteletére.M. István Fehér & Miklós Nyírő (eds.) - 2017 - Budapest: MTA-ELTE Hermeneutika Kutatócsoport.
  49. Russell, Gödel and Skolem: how much of arithmetic is predicative.Jen M. Davoren & Allen P. Hazen - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56:1108-1109.
  50.  48
    New Essays on Human Understanding.R. M. Mattern - 1984 - Philosophical Review 93 (2):315.
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